If you are attempting to get a home loan, we can bring your mobile home’s tie-downs and anchoring up to the new state specifications, so you can satisfy the tie-down requirements for the loan.
If you currently own a mobile home and want to make sure it is properly anchored before the next hurricane strikes, call us and we will inspect your mobile home tie-downs, and replace or install additional tie-downs if necessary.
Free Tie-down & Anchoring inspection
We do tie-down anchoring for all homeowners on request – and provide FREE tie-down and anchoring inspections.
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Tie-Down (Anchor) Requirements
In Florida, all mobile homes are required to be tied down in accordance with the specifications provided by the manufacturer. In the case of a used home, and in the absence of the manufacturer’s tie down instructions, the home must be tied down in accordance with the specifications provided in Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles specifications Rule Chapter 15C-1, Florida Administrative Code.
Click Here to Learn More about Florida’s Tie-Down (Anchor) Requirements
Again, before you can obtain insurance, you will need to satisfy the state’s tie-down requirements for mobile homes. At Anwell Mobile Homes, we can do this for you. We will inspect your home’s tie-downs and anchoring, and replace or install additional tie-downs if necessary.
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